詳細とお申込みは、主催者のウェブサイトよりお願いいたします。 https://socialinnovationxenergy.peatix.com/ 以下は、ウェブサイトからの一部抜粋となります。 Energy is undergoing decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization. At the same time, global energy demands are growing and need to be met in environmentally, socially and economically sustainable ways. Societies in Japan and worldwide face challenges of sustainable access to energy. This event will focus on social innovation and sustainability in the energy sector; brought to you by Energy Tech Meetup in partnership with Social Innovation Japan and Impact HUB Tokyo. We look forward to seeing you there! Social Innovation X Energy
詳細とお申込みは、主催者のウェブサイトよりお願いいたします。 https://socialinnovationxenergy.peatix.com/ 以下は、ウェブサイトからの一部抜粋となります。 Energy is undergoing decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization. At the same time, global energy demands are growing and need to be met in environmentally, socially and economically sustainable ways. Societies in Japan and worldwide face challenges of sustainable access to energy. This event will focus on social innovation and sustainability in the energy sector; brought to you by Energy Tech Meetup in partnership with Social Innovation Japan and Impact HUB Tokyo. We look forward to seeing you there! Social Innovation X Energy
詳細とお申込みは、主催者のウェブサイトよりお願いいたします。 https://socialinnovationxenergy.peatix.com/ 以下は、ウェブサイトからの一部抜粋となります。 Energy is undergoing decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization. At the same time, global energy demands are growing and need to be met in environmentally, socially and economically sustainable ways. Societies in Japan and worldwide face challenges of sustainable access to energy. This event will focus on social innovation and sustainability in the energy sector; brought to you by Energy Tech Meetup in partnership with Social Innovation Japan and Impact HUB Tokyo. We look forward to seeing you there! Social Innovation X Energy
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