詳細とお申込みは、主催者のウェブサイトよりお願いいたします。 https://etmsocialdinner1.peatix.com/view 以下は、ウェブサイトからの一部抜粋となります。 Please join us on December 5th for a social dinner and discussion on the important area of bioenergy. We will explore key questions related to bioenergy with the help of experts in the field. And of course, we hope you can all enjoy a fun evening with food, drinks, and good conversation! Anyone is very welcome to join. For this event, RSVP will be required by December 1, and seats are limited. The fee will be 3500 JPY per person, paid at the restaurant venue. This will include all-you-can-eat churrasco and all-you-can-drink. ETM Social Dinner #1 - Bioenergy
詳細とお申込みは、主催者のウェブサイトよりお願いいたします。 https://etmsocialdinner1.peatix.com/view 以下は、ウェブサイトからの一部抜粋となります。 Please join us on December 5th for a social dinner and discussion on the important area of bioenergy. We will explore key questions related to bioenergy with the help of experts in the field. And of course, we hope you can all enjoy a fun evening with food, drinks, and good conversation! Anyone is very welcome to join. For this event, RSVP will be required by December 1, and seats are limited. The fee will be 3500 JPY per person, paid at the restaurant venue. This will include all-you-can-eat churrasco and all-you-can-drink. ETM Social Dinner #1 - Bioenergy
詳細とお申込みは、主催者のウェブサイトよりお願いいたします。 https://etmsocialdinner1.peatix.com/view 以下は、ウェブサイトからの一部抜粋となります。 Please join us on December 5th for a social dinner and discussion on the important area of bioenergy. We will explore key questions related to bioenergy with the help of experts in the field. And of course, we hope you can all enjoy a fun evening with food, drinks, and good conversation! Anyone is very welcome to join. For this event, RSVP will be required by December 1, and seats are limited. The fee will be 3500 JPY per person, paid at the restaurant venue. This will include all-you-can-eat churrasco and all-you-can-drink. ETM Social Dinner #1 - Bioenergy
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・スタートアップ × エネルギー、環境、サステナビリティなどがテーマで、GreenTech Labsコミュニティの皆様の関心に合いそうなイベントを掲載していきます。
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