詳細とお申込みは、主催者のウェブサイトよりお願いいたします。 https://www.facebook.com/events/494819378053403/ 以下は、ウェブサイトからの一部抜粋となります。 Welcome to Energy Startup Pitch Night, co-hosted by Tokyo Tech Startups and Energy Tech meetup. This is an event focused on giving startups an opportunity to present their product/service related to energy and cleantech to a large audience of entrepreneurs, investors, and tech talent. Following the presentations we have our signature networking session at which attendees meet the hottest talent and stumble upon their next career or funding opportunity. Don't be shy and join us, everyone is welcome! Energy Startup Pitch Night
Startups will get feedback on their business, raise awareness, seek talent and ask for help to grow their product.
詳細とお申込みは、主催者のウェブサイトよりお願いいたします。 https://www.facebook.com/events/494819378053403/ 以下は、ウェブサイトからの一部抜粋となります。 Welcome to Energy Startup Pitch Night, co-hosted by Tokyo Tech Startups and Energy Tech meetup. This is an event focused on giving startups an opportunity to present their product/service related to energy and cleantech to a large audience of entrepreneurs, investors, and tech talent. Following the presentations we have our signature networking session at which attendees meet the hottest talent and stumble upon their next career or funding opportunity. Don't be shy and join us, everyone is welcome! Energy Startup Pitch Night
Startups will get feedback on their business, raise awareness, seek talent and ask for help to grow their product.
詳細とお申込みは、主催者のウェブサイトよりお願いいたします。 https://www.facebook.com/events/494819378053403/ 以下は、ウェブサイトからの一部抜粋となります。 Welcome to Energy Startup Pitch Night, co-hosted by Tokyo Tech Startups and Energy Tech meetup. This is an event focused on giving startups an opportunity to present their product/service related to energy and cleantech to a large audience of entrepreneurs, investors, and tech talent. Following the presentations we have our signature networking session at which attendees meet the hottest talent and stumble upon their next career or funding opportunity. Don't be shy and join us, everyone is welcome! Energy Startup Pitch Night
Startups will get feedback on their business, raise awareness, seek talent and ask for help to grow their product.
◆GreenTech イベントカレンダーについて
・スタートアップ × エネルギー、環境、サステナビリティなどがテーマで、GreenTech Labsコミュニティの皆様の関心に合いそうなイベントを掲載していきます。
・掲載するイベントは、「公開イベント」または「GreenTech Labsが主催者から情報展開の許可を受けたイベント」といたします。
・ご自身が主催者である、または知人等が主催されるイベントが、このカレンダーの趣旨に合うものでしたら、ぜひGreenTech Labsまでお知らせください。その際は、できるだけイベントのURLを添えて連絡いただけると助かります。